WooCommerce Mix and Match Products Extension – Version 2.7.1

WooCommerce Mix and Match Products Extension, Download Version 2.7.1, The extension is updated as released so you always have the latest versions. We don’t offer any additional author services like author’s support and license keys (read our FAQ for more info).
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Mix and Match Products for WooCommerce

Introducing Mix and Match, the perfect solution for businesses looking to boost their average order value. With this feature, customers can easily create custom assortments by combining products and variations according to their preferences. Whether it’s a case of wine, a dozen donuts, or a fruit basket, customers have complete control over the quantity and selection, resulting in a personalized shopping experience. The flexibility extends to pricing, shipping options, and inventory management, making Mix and Match a versatile tool for businesses.

1. Enable custom assortments and boost your average order value by allowing customers to combine products and create personalized variations.
2. Offer bulk containers of similar products like cases of wine, donuts, fruit baskets, or T-shirts, while giving customers the freedom to choose the specific items they want.
3. Set the assortment size limit and select which items are available, while customers have full control over the quantity and composition of their customized packs.
4. Enjoy the flexibility in pricing, whether you prefer a fixed price for the assortment or pricing per item and total.
5. Seamlessly manage inventory for products included in the Mix and Match assortment, treating them as standalone sales, and even tracking stock for the assortment container itself. Additionally, customize the appearance of the assortment using templates in WooCommerce.

Single product


WooCommerce Mix and Match Products Extension – Version 2.7.1

Premium Plan



These products are available under the GPL License, These plugins and themes offered on EYEDW.COM is open source and distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The same license as WordPress itself! You don't need a license key to use it on an unlimited number of sites. Additional licenses may be sold by the original developer for extra services such as support and automatic updates.

EYEDW.COM does not offer these extra services such as support and automatic updates, but we do offer access to the latest versions which you can download for up to twelve months, and you can install manually from within your site's plugins area.

EXACT same Product files are being distributed by the main Developer’s website, but we don’t offer any additional author services like author’s support and license keys.

If you think you need author support and license keys for automatic updates then immediately head over to the developer page as described above and purchase from the original developer promptly.

All the plugins, themes, and digital products' copyright trademark rights are reserved for their respective owners.