WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing Extension – Version 3.2.7

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing Extension, Download Version 3.2.7, The extension is updated as released so you always have the latest versions. We don’t offer any additional author services like author’s support and license keys (read our FAQ for more info).
Developer: WooCommerce | Developer Page | Documentation

EYEDW.COM is not affiliated with or in any way related to WooCommerce developers or trademark owners

Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce

Enhance Your Pricing Strategy with Versatility

Unlock the power of tailored pricing with our Advanced Product Pricing. Set up bulk discounts per product through customizable quantity-discount tables, including fixed price adjustments or percentages. Apply role-based pricing and choose from various tallying options for quantities. Elevate your customer experience with Advanced Category Pricing, adjusting bulk discounts for product categories. Alternatively, streamline discounts for specific roles using Simple Role Based Pricing, all designed to optimize your sales strategy.

This feature-rich pricing system offers diverse options:

1- Advanced Product Pricing: Tailor discounts based on product quantity, set fixed or percentage adjustments, and target specific customer roles for application.
2. Advanced Category Pricing: Adjust category-wide prices with quantity-based discounts, using fixed or percentage adjustments, while also considering customer roles.
3. Simple Category Pricing: Apply straightforward discounts to all items within a category, either as fixed amounts or percentages, visible during shopping.
4. Simple Role-Based Pricing: Grant role-specific discounts across the entire store, showcasing them to logged-in customers during browsing.
5. Examples: Employ strategies like quantity-based discounts (e.g., 10% off for buying 5+), role-based discounts (e.g., 10% off for Gold Members), and category-based discounts (e.g., 10% off all T-Shirts).

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WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing Extension – Version 3.2.7

Premium Plan



These products are available under the GPL License, These plugins and themes offered on EYEDW.COM is open source and distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The same license as WordPress itself! You don't need a license key to use it on an unlimited number of sites. Additional licenses may be sold by the original developer for extra services such as support and automatic updates.

EYEDW.COM does not offer these extra services such as support and automatic updates, but we do offer access to the latest versions which you can download for up to twelve months, and you can install manually from within your site's plugins area.

EXACT same Product files are being distributed by the main Developer’s website, but we don’t offer any additional author services like author’s support and license keys.

If you think you need author support and license keys for automatic updates then immediately head over to the developer page as described above and purchase from the original developer promptly.

All the plugins, themes, and digital products' copyright trademark rights are reserved for their respective owners.